As a manager, time is your most precious and important asset. But because of the nature of your job, it may feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day for all the little tasks you have to do. Plus, you’re probably being sidetracked to put out fires constantly. Here are some tips for managing your time and staying organized on the job.

Prioritize Ruthlessly

One of the biggest favors you can do yourself is learning how to prioritize. Not only is this important for getting the biggest tasks done at work, but it should extend into your home life, as well. Sleep, for example, is so often neglected, in spite of its extreme importance for you to stay healthy and able to show up to work.

Once you have your priorities down, create rules so that your priorities have to come first, no matter what. This will help you learn how to say “no” to less important distractions and practice time management more effectively.

Keep To-Do Lists Short

Many managers will sit down at their desks in the morning to write out a to-do list and wind up with a full page of daunting, time-consuming tasks. There’s no way one person can get all that done in a day and it can be extremely demotivating. Instead, try keeping your list for the day to the bare minimum.

What has to be done today to stay on track with company goals? What are the daily tasks you must do no matter what? These should be on the list first and can be the only things on your list if need be.

Get Some Alone Time

As a manager, your attention is being pulled from the minute you walk into the office. Emails, pings, and people knocking on your door will distract you before you can wrap your head around your calendar.

Having some time to yourself first thing in the morning can make a huge difference in your time management for the rest of the day. An hour or two just to plan your day, see what meetings you have, and answer emails can set you up for success. Then you’ll be prepared to meet the needs of others and collaborate effectively.

Prioritizing well is a skill learned after a lifetime of experience. You won’t transform into a time management pro after a day, but by practicing these skills consistently, your time will become as productive as it is valuable.