Entrepreneurs tend to be highly motivated people who are excited about their career field and enjoy getting out there and meeting new people. However, this does not mean that they are productive all the time. It can be tiring starting a new business, with not much time left for personal life and sleep, so it is essential to learn how to get the most done in the least amount of time. Here are three ways that entrepreneurs can increase their level of productivity while they are on the clock.

  1. Schedule Your Day

Making a schedule for your day and week is not only important for reminding you when you have important meetings and obligations. Scheduling also allows you to set aside time for yourself and to get side projects completed that are essential to your job. Having a schedule also helps ease the temptation to multi-task, which can lead to getting less done in the end, and lessens the chance of getting distracted by a co-worker’s concerns. In addition to meetings, set aside certain blocks of time to respond to emails, work on neglected items, and address the concerns of coworkers and clients.

  1. Get Enough Sleep 

While it might seem counterproductive, since people are unable to get anything done while they are asleep, getting enough sleep is very important when it comes to being able to work at your max productivity levels. Experts recommend that most adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. In addition to getting an adequate amount of sleep, it is necessary to consider the quality of the sleep that you are getting. A few ways to help ensure you get a good night’s sleep include avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the hours leading up to sleeping and refraining from looking at your smartphone or other screens immediately prior to falling asleep.

  1. Break Projects Into Pieces

Often, it can be overwhelming to think about all the work ahead of you when beginning a new task. This is especially true for entrepreneurs, who have many job-related tasks of varying degrees of importance that they must attend to each day. One way to overcome this is to break a task down into smaller pieces and put a deadline on each piece. This method can make even the largest of projects feel much more manageable.

If you are an entrepreneur, consider these three ways to increase your productivity.