The network of business relationships you create is one of your company’s most important assets. Whether they are business to business or business to consumer, these relationships allow you to discover new clients, obtain referrals, receive support, and develop partnerships. One of the best aspects of using your network as a resource is that it grows instead of diminishes with use. Here are some effective ways of initiating and nurturing business relationships.

Make Some Calls

When you start up a new business, one of the first things you should do is call everyone you know and enlist their support. Phone calls are more immediate, personal, and difficult to ignore than social media messages or email. Consider providing free samples of what your company offers to influential local or industry-related people.

Leverage Social Media Platforms

Instead of targeting a faceless audience with impersonal ads, remember to use social media as a method of interacting with your network and building business relationships. If you do nothing but promote your products and services, you will miss the opportunity to nurture relationships with your contacts through meaningful interactions.

Remain in Contact

Make it a priority to keep in touch with those in your network of business relationships. Social media makes this easy and quick. It takes only a moment to like a post or send a congratulatory note via email, but it strengthens connections, builds trust, and can ultimately result in new business.

Handle Disagreements

When disputes occur, do not react emotionally, but instead maintain a professional attitude. Remain calm, and if possible arrange an in-person meeting to clear the air. In phone calls, emails, and text messages it is easier to remain toxic, but if conflicting parties are able to get together and interact face to face, it is often possible to calm down and work out solutions to disagreements.

For more advice on the most effective methods of tapping the valuable resource of business relationships, get in touch with Rustwood Capital.